2010年7月4日 星期日

What so good about Viral Marketing

In an article written by Ben Bold of Brandrepublic and my own findings, the results of the Cadbury eyebrows dancing TVC can be summarised:

Out of GBP3.7m ad spend to broadcast the TVC in the UK, the TVC received
  • Viewing rate over 50% vs last year
  • 6 million hits in Youtube worldwide
  • Recommended by celebrities such as Kanye West [1], Perez Hilton [2], Stephen Fry [3] and countless netizens
  • Partner with mobile operator Orange to offer ringtones and records 125,000 times download in 11 days
  • Publicities from BBC news, Brandrepublic and awards
  • and for sure there are more which are not covered here
We can easily see the power and advantages of viral marketing.

1 Minimise ad avoidance
As the information is passed around among peers and friends, trust exists and people tends to open and to remember what has been seen/heard.

2 High reach
With the web 2.0 and internet technologies, message can be transmitted to a large number of recipients in almost no time.

3 Cost and Time Effective
Because of the viral effect, same amount of budget used in new age media can reach audience in wider span than the traditional media and a lot faster.

4 Reach the unreachable
As the information got pass along and recommended by people with special background and rating, these can attract new segments of potential customers which the company has not considered.

5 Free publicity
If you can create an interesting, breakthrough or creative message, it is possible to get media, bloggers, columnists to comment on your story and reach their readers.

6 Identity product and market expansion opportunities
Again, with the help of web 2.0, communications are more interactive and dynamic. By closely monitoring the communications, you may identify what are the future needs of your customers; how to reach them and the competitive advantages of your competitors.

7 Can be seeding
Viral marketing can be planned. Have a good knowledge of the technologies and netizens’ behaviours, companies can develop creative message to surprise and inspire customers.

Interested to read more, please click the Viral Marketing tab on the top of the screen or visit Priscilla's, Wallace Fung's, Wallace Cheng's and Celia's blogs.

[1] Kayne West is a Grammy award rapper; singer and record producer.
[2] Perez Hilton is an American blogger and TV personality. His blog is known for posts covering gossip items about musicians, actors and celebrities.
[3] Stephen Fry is an English actor, writer, journalist, comedian, television presenter and film director.

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